Penzance Town Centre

Penzance Town Centre

Friday, 14 April 2017

West Cornwall Health Watch Pledge from Election Candidates

West Cornwall Health Watch have taken the opportunity to petition (see here)  election candidates to pledge their support for the NHS and social care provision in the face of funding shortfalls and plans to radically alter the delivery of care in Cornwall under the "Sustainability and Transformation Plan".  I was pleased to pledge my support.

The "Sustainability and Transformation Plan" contains many laudable objectives.  For example, who can question the logic of investing today to encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles to reduce acute hospital admission for 'lifestyle' diseases in the future.  However, getting people to change their lifestyle is difficult and where are the resources to come from given just how strapped the NHS and Council are today? 

 It is hardly surprising that the Council's Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee raised serious concerns over some aspects of the outline business case for Cornwall's Sustainability and Transformation Plan.  It concluded that although it met the requirements of NHS England, it was "not fit for purpose" as a public document. Read Pirate FM article here

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